Turn on the TV, flip through any magazine, surf the net or just eye a billboard and what do you see? Images, images and images. You might never really think about it, but have you ever noticed how women are portrayed in advertisements? Just look at the following and see what you think.
Here are some outdoor ads:
Calvin Klein
Here are some other ads:
Gucci [1]
Gucci [2]
SKYY Vodka
What do all these advertisements have in common? Does it look like advertisers are even trying to focus on and sell the actual product?
Women in Advertising
“We often find no representational connections in contemporary advertising. One of the common registers of print advertising is of the naked or sexually-posed woman selling a product. -cf. Lazier-Smith 1989. Furham and Bitar 1993” [1]
Sexualization of Women in Media
Mediawatch, a non-profit organization that works to improve the portrayal of girls and women in the media, did some research and found that 74% of women “are sometimes or often offended by advertising portrayals of women.” [2]
Jean Kilbourne, a social theorist, has created a few award-winning documentary films: “Killing Us Softly,” “Still Killing Us Softly" and the newest version, “Killing Us Softly III” that focus on the image of women created by advertisers. She says "Women's bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is, of course, the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone." She also says, "Women are constantly turned into things, into objects. And of course this has very serious consequences. For one thing it creates a climate in which there is widespread violence against women. Now I'm not at all saying that an ad. . . directly causes violence. It's not that simple, but it is part of a cultural climate in which women are seen as things, as objects, and certainly turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step toward justifying violence against that person." [3]
Kati Fosselius, a graduate student studying nutrition brings up another issue. She says “People are unconsciously affected by media images, but the images of models do not reflect real women.”
Jamonte Cox, a student majoring in sociology, says that “he believes women are portrayed in the media respectably, and physically attractive men are often presented in the media as well.” [4]
However, preliminary research shows that throughout all magazine genres from 2004, men were modestly dressed 83.5% of the time whereas women were modestly dressed only a third of the time. This indicates that women are portrayed as sexual objects much more often than men. [5] So this brings up another issue. Are men and women being portrayed in the media as equals? Do you think that the media might be catering to one gender more than the other?
Are portrayals of women in many advertisements sexist? How or how not? What effects might constantly seeing such portrayals of women in advertisements have on people, both females and males? Can something be changed? How could this realistically be done? Does there even need to be any change?
You can also check out:
Portrayals of Women in the Media
or take a look at my
[1] YouTube. Exploitation of Women in Ads. 25 Dec. 2007. 13 Mar. 2008
[2] Loewen, Carla M. MediaWatch Announces Worst Media Portrayals of Women. 13 Mar.
2002. 13 Mar. 2008 http://www.themanitoban.com/2001-2002/0313/news_2.shtml>.
[3]Media Education Foundation. Video Summary. 2004. 13 Mar. 2008 http://www.mediaed.org/videos/MediaGenderAndDiversity/KillingUsSoftly3/studyguide/html#SYNOPSISOVERVIEW
[4]Yasue, Nami. Depictions of Women by the Media Criticized. 24 Mar. 2004. 13 Mar. 2008
[5]Carpenter, Courtney., and Aimee Edison. Taking It All off Again: The Portrayal of Women in
Advertising over the Past Forty Years. 24 Feb. 2008. 13 Mar. 2008 http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/1/4/1/6/p14163_index.html
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In my personal opinion I believe that women are the ones being exploited most of the time in comparison to males. It is evident that men and women are not being portrayed in the media as equals, as statistics shown from all magazine genres from 2004, men were dressed 83.5% of the time whereas, women were dressed only a third of the time. Therefore, it is evident that the media’s representation of males in comparison to females is significantly different, the examples provided with the blog clearly show that women are the ones in advertisements that are taken full advantage of compared to men as they are sexually exploited in various ways. Yes, as I mentioned that the advertisements linked with the blog showed that female gender is the one that is taken more advantage of during advertisements, as it depicts that the main audience it is targeting is males. Yes, the portrayal of women in the media is sexist because as we see it is usually the women plays the significant role in the advertisement as she is sexually exploited in some manner, physical positions or how they are dressed. The affects that portrayals of women in advertisements have on people, both females and males is that is represents that in today’s society men are above girls, therefore girls are the ones that are being taken advantage of in a distrustful manner.
I think that woman are also being exploited more in comparison to males. The pictures prove it too. "Men were dressed 83.5% of the time whereas, women were dressed only a third of the time."
That's a pretty big gap. There should be less pictures of woman wearing less.
I'm a bit on both sides. I think that the way women are in advertisements is absolutely ridiculous, but on the other hand they are choosing to put themselves in the ad so those women are part of the problem in my opinion. Sonya mentioned the statistic which is just silly. Women really are being mistreated in ads, but again, it is their choice. They are sending the wrong message to the world.
I agree with Brandon, I'm on both sides. These women in these ads know what they're getting into and they still choose to go through with it, and nothing is wrong with that.
Also, it's not just in ads, many girls like to show themselves off and act sexy. If you go on facebook even you'll see many of your peers acting in the same way, and again, it's not wrong, if that's how they feel comfortable and want to express themselves so be it. For the people that disagree with it all, and think it's beyond wrong, then don't look at it. There are many other ads, or personal photo's that don't exploit women in a "wrong" way. People want to see "sexy", so that's what they'll show. If these ads weren't wanted to be seen by many people, then they wouldn't advertise their products in such a way, so people obviously like it, and it obviously attracts people to those products.
What Brandon said is definitely right. The second YouTube clip on this blog mentions the same thing. The portrayal of women in advertisements being whatever it is, women are "choosing" to be in the ads. Kayce also brought up a point. Some women, not just in the media, do feel comfortable putting themselves out there like that; its their way of expressing themselves and no one says there's anything wrong with that.
But some more stuff to consider is:
When people express themselves, whether that be in photos they post on Facebook, as Kayce mentioned, or just in general, don't you think that their decisions are influenced by the way other poeple appear in advertisements and the media?
Don't you think there's a difference between just looking sexy and advertisers "using" those sexualized images to sell products? Also, doesn't "using" sexualized images of women in media mean that women, not just those who agree to look sexualized in ads, but the female gender in general is being "used?" Another thing is that of course people choose whether they want to be in a certain ad, but wouldn't you say it's up to advertisers to control what they put out there and make sure that's it's not degrading approximately half the world?
Javariyya's point was excellent "Also, doesn't "using" sexualized images of women in media mean that women, not just those who agree to look sexualized in ads, but the female gender in general is being "used?", that's so true, up until now I wouldn't have even thought of that. And it's NOT a good label, but at the same time it all depends on one's mindset. There are some people that would look at those ads and call it art or beauty and some will say its degrading and so on. I do believe that there is a fine line that should be set when it comes to exposing woman or even men in advertisements. The models don't really care if they are degrading themselves or not because they are being paid for it, but readers and everday people that come across these images are disappointed that there are women out there that are willingly exposing themselves like that just for money. I don't think it will ever change though because sex always sells.
yes eveyones right in their own opinion. Javariyya points out that "...of course people choose whether they want to be in a certain ad, but wouldn't you say it's up to advertisers to control what they put out there and make sure that's it's not degrading approximately half the world?"
I totally agree with that. I think its more up to the advertisers because they are suppost to know what the poeple want. But then again we know its fake and you can't be that person in the magazine or billboard with those shoes or that bag or that lipstick. It's ridiculous!
Although I have always been aware of the sexual portrayal of women in advertisements, the second Gucci picture Javariyya posted sent me over the edge. How this picture has ANYTHING to do with Gucci (besides the logo) is beyond me. Rather than “painting” or “drawing” a G on her face or arm, they decide to use one of the most sexual parts of her body. In addition, they threw a male model in the picture to conveniently kneel right beside her. What kind of message is this sending? That if you buy Gucci products you could become as sexy and seductive as this model? Of course it is, that’s what all media advertisements portray. If you buy a certain product or support a particular brand, you could become just like the people selling it. Or at least that’s what they say. In my opinion, that’s why so many companies use sex in their advertisements; people want to become just like the models and actors they see. Despite the fact they exploited a women’s body inappropriately, it was a very clever move by Gucci. Everyone knows sex sells and will get the attention of almost anyone. Whether it’s a feeling of attraction or disbelief, viewers will give that advertisement a second look. It worked for me.
I find it hard to believe that only 74% of women find advertisements like these offensive. I would understand if both male and female models were being exploited equally in the media, but that’s not the case. Either females are too embarrassed to admit there is a problem or we have become WAY to immune to the whole scenario.
Funny, cause I actually do think that we are becoming immune to the entire situation. Because if this stuff was pulled back in the 50's or 60's I think that newspapers wold be banned forever. However, pornography and provactive pictures have been around for decades. And women have always been used in the images, so yeah you can say its art, you really can. If you read up on the history about it atleast. You can find it HERE, again we see that today's media issues ARE linked to history. But anyway this is nothing new, so why is it considered degrading during the 20th century but when we look at paintings or pictures that the romans have created we can call it art or not be as offended? Women are still being used as eye candy, and I do not think it will ever change.
I agree with Javariyya that people have been influenced by advertisements. Unfortunately, since some women choose to be in those ads it affects everyone. Other women might feel they have to be that way. I don't consider females "used", but I think that advertisers should really consider the fact that a lot of people find it offensive.
Women have been exploited since the begining of time!
"During the early 1800s, Americans generally believed that there was a definite difference in character between the sexes -- man was active, dominant, assertive, and materialistic, while woman was religious, modest, passive, submissive, and domestic."
It was always portraid that men were more dominant than women until the 20th century.Many thaught of women to be not capable to do the things a man could do, but they can.Now a dayz, its surprisingly still there but its "underneath the raidare". Here is a great example:
In this video it shows a women in here bathing suite going to here chair to have a beer. She is interupted by a man out of no where. She hits her of and takes the beer. This shows that the beer was not for the women but for that man.
Aswell, the women was in a tipical swim suite barly covering her up. It is shown that all women who have to be hit need to be in a swim suite wit a body like that. Its everywhere in our magazines,internet,tv etc. Men are usually lay back in the situation but believe it or not we get exploited but it doesnt bother many.
Its the same exposer if not more and nobody is saying nothing because its a man!
i agree with brandon, us as women allow ourself to be put in adds wearing not much clothing. but not all adds are degrading...it all depends on what your advertising and how your portraying the people in the add.
sex sells. some photo's are very degrading, like the photo ad for bacardi, where its a women's bare stomach and a hand holding a glass of bacardi. i dont understand how a thin girls stomach has anything to do with bacardi?
i love the dove commercials showing full figured models, not wearing alot of clothing, who are happy with their bodies. it shows you dont have to be model skinny.
soo is showing alot of skin really all that bad?
i do belive there is an imbalance of females and males showing skin in adds. and the degrading adds are objectifying women, and i totally disagree with it.
Yeah, I agree with Briar. But that Vodka ad is meant to catch your eye, which it did. These models give full consent for these images to appear, so everyone should stop feeling bad for them, they have brains, they're basically just celebrating their body at it's best. Same with the dove ads, no one has the same body type anyway, so whats the big deal if the dove people do it but a thin model does it to sell some liquor. Skin sells.
ok theres a difference between celbrating a body and having a degrading photograph.
if the models give consent, i should be giving consent if i want to see this photographs also/.
woahh. the puma and perfume add :o. like what! i was totally not expecting to see that. but if i was soo shocked to see it, what does that say. i never see photos with such shocking pictures.
but they do exist. the puma photo with a girl kneeling to a man in a way its clearly portraying oral sex. like puma shoes and accesories have anything to do with that.
these photos show men standing over women is it giving a message that males dominate females?
im my opion it does show that males are dominating females, have you ever notioced how the girls are always doing wut the guy wants. this photo i saw had a girl sitting on the floor with a chain around her neck basially all naked and the guy sitting on a chair with jeans on holding the chain? wut does that tell you? some photos i guess are oki but photos like that bring feelings you may have never experienced.
I also definitely agree with Brandon. I'm on both sides because these ads are very degrading to women in general but if a woman chooses to be on one of these ads, she knows what she's getting herself into. So, it wouldn't really be degrading to that particular woman. And Kayce is right about facebook, girls post these revealing pictures for everyone to see. Not that I have a problem with it people can post whatever they want to post but if they don't want to be seen in a certain way they should not be posting revealing pictures of themselves.
These ads are very popular because a lot of merchandise is being sold. But I don't really understand some of them, like the Calvin Klein and Gucci pictures, they don't really haver anything to do with the product.
WOAH to the Gucci 2 pic and the perfume pic...
who poses like that in real life =S For real, like it's not everyday/anyday? that people are just hanging out, going to the store, getting those products,going home and taking some crazy pics like that is it?
It's not like any of those ads are true is it? "ohhhh buy this and youll get a hot girl after you"
I've never exactly seen ads thaaat revealing in magazines. Well..magazines i buy atleast.
I agree with everyone who said that the women in these pictures have a choice. But here's the hard truth of it all..They make $$$money off of everyyy snap of that camera. Yes, it's wrong, and yes, they have a choice but that choice involves a) Do not potray yourself that way! OR b) Just do it, your making a lot of money off of it. It's the sad truth, but apparently, according to these pics, their going for choice b).
It goes same way for guys too though, there are some pics of guys that are offly revealing (not as much as women) but they are still out there. No denying when girls see those guys in magazines they are quick to make a comment about it just as guys would seeing a girl in a mag like that.
lol to the facebook thing Kayce was talking about. SO true. They really do try and take some craazy pics. Like...how sad. I find that pitiful when girls/guys too are all like in their bathrooms taking some awsome shots of themselves almost nude and posting them..like..degrating much? What kind of feedback are you looking for on those pics? Heres the difference between you and the people in the ads...1)your so not getting paid for it and 2)dot dot dot..is that your life goal?
The qoute in Javayia's (sorry,on the name.. spelling? im not good at it.) post that says “People are unconsciously affected by media images, but the images of models do not reflect real women.” I agree with that. The pictures are hacked at to make them look amazing so it's best to not believe those ads and what message they are trying to send.
javariyya**! haha i totally spelled it wrong in my comment. there we go.
Hey everyone,
Great comments and discussion going on a sensitive and controversial topic - but definitely key in regards to the representation and sexualization of women in media.
I just want to comment on the, "they are choosing to put themselves in the ad" argument. While it is true that these women are not forced to pose this way, they may also feel that they don't have a choice (especially if they want to further their careers in a more legitimate fashion). Just look at the number of women that have posed for Playboy in their youth or those that have worked as strippers to pay for schooling. Also, women who pose for advertisements like this represent ALL women - so don't just think that they are only representing themselves - they are representing their entire gender group.
I like it when Brandon wrote that, "those women are part of the problem in my opinion". I would also say that the men want these images are the problem as well.
Make some suggestions now....how can there be positive change in this type of advertising? Does there need to be change?
I agree with Mallory when she says that the ads are not true. If they were posting a playboy billboard or la senza then I can see why the woman is dressed up that way. If posting for basic products like puma, I dont really see the need.
Many women are already unsatisfied with how they look.. (men too so no worries), so when they see these pictures, especially for normal prodcuts, wouldnt this make them feel worse? 4 out of 5 are unsatisfied with their appearance in the United States. Seeing these pictures would be a big part of that number.
Reading through the links it says that boys and men rape girls every 2 minutes in the United States. I believe that picturs like these just give these men ideas, believing that women want to act that way.
I have to agree with Mr. Puley there, although Brandon's point is sometimes true
But on this topic of Men being clothed much more than women, I'm not saying it's right, but most girls I know who have told me their opinion say they don't even like seeing guys with all those muscles, so if you agree with that, wouldn't it be a little hypocritical to complain?
Briar, I’m glad you mentioned the Dove commercials. These are the advertisements that celebrate women’s bodies of all shapes and sizes. They are very realistic and women all over the world can relate to them; unlike the skechers advertisement. I don’t know about you but I NEVER look like that when I get back from a run. Yeah she’s sweating, but it’s a “sexy” sweat. And shouldn’t her hair be all frizzy and her face bright red? These advertisements portray a very unnatural appearance that young women feel pressured to acheive. In reality, no one can ever look so “perfect”.
Below are examples of ads created by Dove.
Dove Advertisement 1
Dove Advertisement 2
Dove Advertisement 3
Yes I totally agree with what Brandon has said above regarding women making the choice of taking part in these types of ads. Yet, on the other hand everything in this world is based upon money therefore advertisers offer lots of money to these young models so they can exploit themselves in the advertising industry.I don’t believe anything can be changed in today’s society, it is to late the media (such as television, Canadian culture) has influenced us to believe that girls are the ones that can be sexually exploited as we have seen in the perfume advertisement provided. I believe there is no realistic way in which this can be changed because if the advertisers were to start covering up models and not giving advertisements a sexy look it will not attract customers and will make them loose money. I believe that there are no changes that are needed to be done because as I stated previously if advertisers start making significant changes to their advertisements this could hurt the advertising industry.
I agree with lauren and briar, i'm also glad you mentioned the dove commercials I love how they say that everyone is beautiful no matter what. These are defintely positive advertisements and they can make everyone feel confident about themeselves.
And the way women are portrayed in these advertisements is not the way we all look everyday as lauren said it's very unnatural. And about the women choosing to be portrayed that way in the advertisements is very true but they're probably getting paid big bucks to do that. And i don't know about everyone else but if i was getting paid that much i would pose that way for the advertisements too.
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